The Fat Burning Kitchen is a 123-page program that will help you burn fat while eating. Offering a 24-hour diet transformation, you can essentially turn your body into a fat-burning machine. If you’re sick of counting calories and trying every possible diet without results, then this ebook is for you.
The Fat Burning Kitchen addresses an issue that millions experience — the consequences of being overweight. With this program, you will no longer need to obsessed over calories. All you need to do is focus on the nutrients you put into your body, simple as that. Guiding you along the way, this program highlights the importance of nutrient density.
See:10 Easy Ways To Slash Calories |
About The Fat Burning Kitchen
The Fat Burning Kitchen will help you shed those stubborn
pounds by altering your eating habits and more specifically, the types
of foods you consume. Although millions want to lose weight based on
their appearance, it is this excess weight that causes a host of other
symptoms, including sleeping issue, irritability, fatigue, pain, and
much more.This program is intended to show you not only what you’re doing wrong, based on the heavily processed foods available to us, but also what you should be eating, based on what your body needs. The Fat Burning Kitchen will set you up for success. Not only can you lose weight and keep it off for good, but you can completely transform your life in terms of your health.
This program will teach you all of the foods that you need to stay away from, even those that are targeted as ‘diet’ food. These foods, including pasteurized dairy and soy, are making you sick and contributing to unhealthy weight gain. Nothing is more important than the foods you put inside your body, which is why you’re currently experiencing negative symptoms in relation to your weight.
Instead, the authors suggest foods that you need to stock your kitchen with. These ingredients will offer you the micro- and macronutrients your body craves. When your nutritional needs are met, you do not.
About the author: Mike Geary and Catherine Ebeling are both more than qualified, helping their audience gain control of their lives — once in for all. Mike is a certified nutritionist and Catherine is a registered nurse. Together, they saw a need for this program in the market. They pooled their knowledge and level of expertise, in order to bring you this highly comprehensive program.
See: Press Release 4 | Why Mainstream Medicine Has It All Wrong When It Comes to Losing Weight! |
What’s Included within The Fat Burning Kitchen?
After a thoughtful introduction, this program begins with part — the kitchen cleanout. Believe it or not, this checklist focuses on all the ‘diet’ foods which people who are trying to lose weight are encouraged to eat, such as fat-free foods and diet sodas. This leads into chapter 1, focusing on the refined flour foods you likely eat on a daily basis.To show you how serious this issue is, the authors share a startling fact — the average adult consuming a modern western diet, obtains around 67 percent of their total caloric intake from three foods only: corn, soy, and wheat. Based on the way they’re processed, these foods and their derivatives are leading to a wide range of health issues, including obesity.
Chapter 2 takes this one step further, focusing on high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). After reviewing some of the available research, it’s clear that this toxic additive is making us sick. Converted to fat more easily than any other sugar, HFCS is hiding in the majority of processed foods. The effects of ‘sugar’ is also highlighted in chapter 4, when the authors reveal the effects of artificial sweeteners.
Once you reach chapter 3, you’ll be introduced to some of the worst fats. The truth is, we have been told that fat is the enemy, when in reality, our bodies need fat. It’s all about choosing the right types of fats while avoiding the worst types, such as margarine, trans fats and vegetable oils.
Chapter 5 and 6 are important chapters, unveiling the truth behind pasteurized dairy, as well as commercially raised meats and farm-raised fish. Not only are these animals kept in horrendous conditions, but they’re pumped full of antibiotics and hormones, which then transfer into the foods we eat.
In order to meet the needs of health enthusiasts, marketers began to glorify unfermented soy, which is what’s discussed in chapter 7. Then the authors address energy drinks, energy bars and processed foods in general throughout chapters 8-10. Then, the real magic begins in part 2: How to Stock Your Fat-Burning Kitchen.
It’s time to take action, focusing on all the foods listed throughout the following 11 chapters. After the closing two chapters, you will have access to a special bonus section — the 23-Day Accelerated Fat Loss Plan. If you follow each step and remain disciplined, you will shed your stubborn fat, for good!
Benefits of The Fat Burning Kitchen
Unlike so many health and fitness programs, The Fat Burning Kitchen is simple and easy-to-follow. As long as you’re committed, you can and will change your life. The information is all presented in layman’s terms, ensuring your highest level of understanding. Although created based on scientific research, you do not need to have any previous experience or knowledge to benefit.Perhaps the most important benefit is that the authors practice what they preach. Both are highly immersed within the health and nutrition industry, allowing their level of expertise to shine through. They understand what it takes and how to get there, which is why they wrote this program in a step-by-step format.
Whether you want to take the steps to lose weight or simply control your hunger, it’s all provided for you to access — anytime, anywhere. Meaning, as soon as you’re ready, you can significantly impact your health, for good. Although weight loss will be a main goal, you will experience positive effects across all aspects of your wellbeing.
Although the ebook provides enough value in itself, this program also includes training exercises and videos, so that you can take your efforts to the next level. In addition, with its 60-day money back guarantee, you will be able to access this program risk-free.
In Conclusion
Are you ready to take control? Are you ready to enhance your positive wellbeing? If so, then Fat Burning Kitchen is definitely for you — try it today and change your life for good, order now!See: 10 Delectable Detox Smoothies |
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