Saturday, December 16, 2017

Changing a diet is often the hardest part of losing weight

The 3 Week Diet Plan

The diet portion of The 3 Week Diet Plan is the most detailed and exhaustive portion of the eBook. Because the creator of The 3 Week Diet Plan recognized that changing a diet is often the hardest part of losing weight, it is broken into four sections, making it easier for users to slowly adjust themselves to eating right.

What makes the diet plan so great is that it includes complete and thorough lists of the foods that are allowed to be eaten in each stage, so users can adjust their meals accordingly. Often, the diet plan will only call for slight changes in the participant’s lives, but will results in huge changes.

The phases of The 3 Week Diet Plan are described below.

Phase 1

Phase 1 is followed for days 1 through 7 and is the phase where the most weight loss will be noticed. Many claim to lose up to 10 pounds in this first week, mostly because it involves completely detoxing the body. The point of phase 1 is to get the body back to a healthy starting point, so the other phases are more effective.

In phase 1, participants will be able to eat vegetables and specific proteins. For those who aren’t used to cooking at home, there’s no need to worry because Brian Flatt goes through and explains the best ways to prepare the foods during this phase. By following the diet closely in phase 1, users will have a perfect jumpstart to their weight loss journey.

Phase 2

Phase 2 is only a 24 period, but it’s often the hardest for users. In the 24 hours of phase 2, users will go on a fast. This usually lasts from the evening of day seven to the evening of day eight.

The point of having a time of fasting is to allow the body to complete the detox started in phase 1. This will aid in clearing out the system and it will also jumpstart the fat burning capabilities of the body, so it’s working more efficiently through the next two phases.

Phase 3

For many participants, phase 3, which covers days 9 through 11, will almost feel like a reward for getting through phase 2. During these three days, users will go on a high fat diet. While this may not sound like something that would be beneficial to losing weight, there is a reason behind it. Diets that are high in fat, but low in calories, help the body lose weight very quickly.

Brian Flatt provides a detailed list of foods that contain high fat, but low calorie, content. And, there is also a sample eating plan provided for this section of the diet plan.

Phase 4

Days 12 through 21 are covered in phase 4, the longest part of the diet plan. This phase will get participants eating more normally, with just a few adjustments here and there. Users will calculate their BMRs and use this to create a personalized daily calorie allotment, which will be followed very closely throughout phase 4. Instead of focusing on specific foods, this phase focuses on counting calories.

Because people are built differently, there isn’t a single way to follow this phase. Everyone will have to figure out their calorie count for themselves. However, The 3 Week Diet Plan does provide a few ideas on how to best utilize calories for this final phase.

The Exercise Plan

The dietary section of The 3 Week Diet Plan is more than enough to help people lose weight in 21 days, however, for this weight loss to be even more substantial, it should be combined with the exercise plan. Healthy weight loss, weight loss that stays off, is the result of a combination of diet and exercise, so this section of The 3 Week Diet Plan is extremely important.

Thankfully, Brian Flatt recognizes that the hardest part about a workout plan is that it takes time. This is why the exercise portion of the book are only about 20-30 minutes long and are only done three times a week. An additional bonus is that these exercises can be done from home. All participants need is two dumbbells, though a bench is an optional part of the exercise plan.

The four exercises that make up the plan are:

— Goblet Squat
— Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
— Bent-Over Row
— Dumbbell Upright Row

Every exercise is explained in detail in The 3 Week Diet Plan. The eBook will also provide a workout plan for users to follow. By adding this with the diet portion of The 3 Week Diet Plan, users will see dramatic weight loss which will stay off permanently.

The Motivation Plan

Diet and exercise take a certain strength of willpower, as well as some consistent motivation. To keep participants in the right mindset, this section of the book goes over myths about weight loss as well as ways to stay focused and motivated during the weight loss process.

The Mindset and Motivation Manual will give users the foundation they need to keep losing weight and to keep exercising, long after The 3 Week Diet Plan is over.

Purchasing The 3 Week Diet Plan

The 3 Week Diet Plan is available for purchase right now for the low price of $47. This purchase price comes with a 60 day satisfaction guarantee. If, for any reason, customers aren’t satisfied with their purchase, they can return The 3 Week Diet Plan and get a full refund.

Because The 3 Week Diet Plan is an eBook, once it’s purchased, it will automatically be sent to the email address or device specified when checking out. This will give participants instant access to the system, allowing them to take control of their health immediately.

Purchasing The 3 Week Diet Plan

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