Wednesday, August 2, 2017

NatureWise CLA 1250 - Weight Loss Reviews

 NatureWise CLA 1250, High Potency, Natural Weight Loss Exercise Enhancement, Increase Lean Muscle Mass, Non-Stimulating, Non-GMO 100% Safflower Oil,  Gluten Free,   180 count


Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that could be essential to our diets. Some studies suggest that CLA also plays a role in reducing body fat, and may have the potential to increase lean body mass, also known as muscle. CLA supplementation provides a simple and sensible alternative to consumption of foods high in saturated fat. And, while some CLA supplements have standardized levels of 60% or less, NatureWise CLA 1250 contains 80% CLA, the potency level noted for optimal benefits.

Product Features:
  • Natural and non-stimulating
  • Derived from safflower oil
  • Standardized to high potency 80%
  • Non-GMO & gluten-free
  • No artificial ingredients
  • Doctor formulated
  • Third party tested for purity and potency
  • Bottled in the USA
  • 1000 mg active CLA per softgel
  • 180 softgels per bottle


Possibly Effective for:

  • High blood pressure. Taking conjugated linoleic acid along with ramipril seems to reduce blood pressure more than ramipril alone in people with uncontrolled high blood pressure.
  • Obesity. Taking conjugated linoleic acid by mouth daily might help decrease body fat in adults, but it does not seem to decrease body weight or body mass index (BMI) in most people. Conjugated linoleic acid might reduce feelings of hunger, but it’s not clear if this leads to reduced caloric intake. Taking conjugated linoleic acid does not seem to prevent weight gain in previously obese people who lost some weight.
    Adding conjugated linoleic acid to fatty foods does not seem to promote weight loss. However, adding conjugated linoleic acid to milk might help decrease body fat in obese adults.
    In children, taking 3 grams of conjugated linoleic acid daily seems to help reduce body fat.
    While conjugated linoleic acid might help reduce body weight, some research shows that taking a particular form of conjugated linoleic acid (the trans-10,cis-12 isomer) might increase risk factors for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It’s not clear whether supplements containing different forms of conjugated linoleic acid have this same risk.

Possibly Ineffective for:

  • Common cold. Research suggests that taking conjugated linoleic acid does not prevent or reduce symptoms of the common cold.
  • Diabetes. Taking conjugated linoleic acid does not improve pre-meal or post-meal blood sugar or insulin levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
  • High cholesterol. Drinking milk containing conjugated linoleic acid does not seem to improve levels of cholesterol or blood fats called triglycerides in people with mildly high cholesterol levels.

Insufficient Evidence for:

  • Allergies (hay fever). Taking conjugated linoleic acid for 12 weeks seems to improve well-being in people with birch allergies. However, it doesn’t seem to improve overall allergy symptoms.
  • Asthma. Taking conjugated linoleic acid for 12 weeks seems to improve airway sensitivity and ability to exercise in people with asthma. However, it doesn’t seem to reduce the need to use inhalers or improve lung capacity.
  • Breast cancer. Research on the effects of conjugated linoleic acid for preventing breast cancer is conflicting. Some early research suggests that higher intake of conjugated linoleic acid from foods, particularly cheese, seems to be linked with a lower risk of developing breast cancer. However, other research suggests that increased dietary intake of conjugated linoleic acid is not linked with a reduced risk of breast cancer. Furthermore, some research suggests that increased intake of conjugated linoleic acid might be linked with an increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Colon and rectal cancer. Some research suggests that a diet high in conjugated linoleic acid might be linked with a lower risk of cancer of the colon and rectum in women. It is not known whether taking conjugated linoleic acid supplements provides the same benefit.
  • Strength. Research on the effects of conjugated linoleic acid for improving strength is conflicting. Some research shows that taking conjugated linoleic acid, alone or along with creatine and whey protein, helps increase strength and improve lean tissue mass in people who are strength training. However, other research shows that conjugated linoleic acid does not improve strength or body composition when used along with strength training.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. Early research suggest that taking conjugated linoleic acid, alone or along with vitamin E, reduces pain and morning stiffness, as well as lab markers of swelling, compared to pretreatment in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Other conditions.


The following doses have been studied in scientific research:


  • For reducing body fat in obese patients, a dose of 1.8 to 7 grams per day has been used. However, doses greater than 3.4 grams per day do not seem to offer any additional benefit.

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