Friday, April 13, 2018

The 4 Week Diet Review by Brian Flatt

Hi friends, today we will talk about The 4 Week Diet by Brian Flatt.

In this 4 Week Diet review, the aim is to show you what you get in the program and help you determine if it’s right for you.

The 4 Week Diet is Brian Flatt’s newest weight loss program geared towards persons who want to drop some pounds quickly. Very soon I will be doing a complete breakdown of the program, to let readers know what’s inside the plan and what you can expect.

Having recommended and reviewed Brian Flatt’s 2 Week Diet Program as a solution to losing a few quick pounds, I know his weight loss programs work.

How Is The 4 Week Diet Structured?

Just in case you are not aware, the 4 Week Diet is simply a new addition to Brian Flatt’s popular fast weight loss diet plans. He already has 2 other programs on the market based on the same methods, but they are structured in different time frames to lose the weight within a few weeks.

If you’re already a fan of the 2 Week or 3 Week Diets by Brian Flatt, you’ll see that the format of the program is similar, however, the 4 Week Diet program is specifically designed for people who want lose up to 12 pounds of weight over the course of 4 weeks. It gives you the complete eating plan and exercise guide designed to help you lose weight quickly in 4 weeks.

Here is the list of the materials you’ll get instant access to after you order:
  • Launch Handbook
  • Diet Handbook
  • Activity Handbook
  • Motivational Handbook
  • Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Pros of 4 Week Diet Program
·         Affordable foods
·         Real Results Are A Surety
·         Health benefits and Self-Confidence
·         Eat your favourite good foods
·         Can be used by anyone

4 Week Diet Book- Cons

·         Skin Drooping
·         Not for indolent people
·         Not Approved By A Certified Medical Professional
·         Requires Internet To Access This System

The 4 Week Diet Review Roundup
  1. The 4 Week Diet is a complete diet that comes with an optional exercise program designed for losing up to 12 pounds in 4 weeks.
  2. The goal of the program is to use the right nutrition techniques so that the body burns fat in a healthy way that promotes a healthy and accelerated weight loss.
  3. The exercise program is optional but is recommended to help accelerate the process. The workouts are short and easy.
  4. The cost is $47 which is a one-time cost, and the program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.
  5. The sales process is a bit overhyped and many websites would be promoting it.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

What Are the Biggest Reasons Diets Fail? - Health & Beauty

The Biggest Reasons Diets Fail?

Let’s look at the four key factors.
Unrealistic Calorie Intakes
The “starvation mode” method only sets you up to fail. By consuming so little food, your body literally starts shutting down to conserve fuel.
When this happens, you are on a one-way path to a fat loss plateau. Yes, you should lower calorie intake to see fat loss results, but you need to do it in a way that maintains your “metabolic engine”.
Lack Of Satiety-Boosting Nutrients
Image result for BRIAN FLATT
Creator of 2 week diet
Another big issue with most conventional diets is they fail to provide enough of the two most filling nutrients: protein and fiber. You need protein to function optimally. It’s also breaks down slowest, providing the body with lasting satiety.
Couple protein with dietary fiber, found in fresh fruits and vegetables, and digestion will slow even further.
Many crash diet plans are very low in protein. While they recommend lots of vegetables, many discourage the consumption of fruit.
By making these two nutrients a focus of your plan instead, you can see faster, lasting results while actually enjoying your diet meal plan.
Time Consuming Meal Prep
Who has an hour each and every day to meal prep? Not me — and definitely not you. Yet, many diet plans are complicated enough to require this. If that describes your diet, it’s no wonder if you’re failing.
Alternatively, you want to find an approach that gives you basic and easy-to-implement guidelines that help you realize true success with your program.
This plan should not require hours of extra effort each week. In that case, it’s stealing free time that you should use to reward yourself for good behavior. It should work with your lifestyle, not against it. When you find such a plan, it’ll be cake to stick with it.
Long-Term Approach
Chances are you’ve heard that any diet plan you use should follow a long-term approach.
That’s excellent advice.
However, if your diet plan is designed to span months, this can be a motivation killer.
Find a diet with a definite deadline. Two weeks is optimal because that’s how long it takes to form long-term habits. Two weeks is also a long enough to see good results, but not short enough to stay motivated.
Anyone willing to lose weigh can diet for two weeks. This is foundational to The 2 Week Diet. In many, many cases, the initial transformation is so remarkable, it provides abundant motivation for continued fat burning. Success breeds success.
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Thursday, February 22, 2018

2 Week Diet Review | Brian Flatt – Does The Weight Loss System Work?

In this review of The 2 Week Diet by renowned nutritionist Brian Flatt, I get into whether or not this system works and my thoughts on if it’s worth buying. Flatt claims that his 2 Week Diet 

System will help anyone melt away up to 6 pounds in just 14 days… but does it actually deliver?

Well, I actually do think it delivers, BUT there are some details about the program that you should know before buying. Let’s get into it…

What Is The 2 Week Diet?

New research shows that longer programs only waste your time and force you to buy more and more products. Contrary to the common misconception that losing weight quickly is neither healthy nor sustainable; numerous clinical studies have demonstrated that following programs with fast initial weight loss results in better long term success.

According to Brian Flatt, the 2 Week Diet is a foolproof, health based diet system that is designed and geared to help users lose weight quicker and healthier. To be more precise, the system claims that it can help people with weight issues melt up to 6 pounds in 14 days without any of the ill effects.

The program comes to users as an instant downloadable eBook that can be accessed on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Once purchased, clients can transfer the eBook to as many devices as they please and even print out the pages. Upon joining up, users can expect to receive the manuals immediately. Currently, the content is only available in English, but Flatt promises to have other languages out soon.

Related: Drop 12-23 pounds in only 21 days.


How Does The 2 Week Diet Work?

Brian states that most of the current, quick weight loss programs on the market are unhealthy and often starve people sick. In the end, these people only record insignificant results and a larger number give up after months of doing the same thing with dismal weight loss margins.

This logic seems to make sense because honestly speaking, meal replacement diets and killing yourself with rigorous exercise just isn’t for everyone. After all, hours of working out at the gym and then coming home to a protein shake for supper will leave you tired, hungry and unfulfilled. With this in mind, Brian created the 2 Week Diet with an aim to cut off all the unwanted aspects of hunger and exercise associated with weight loss.

The 2 Week Diet works by introducing users to total healthy eating methods, foods and techniques that are geared towards burning fat. In the system, Brian Flatt reveals a list of real, healthy, good wholesome foods that pack a fat burning punch and taste great too. All the foods recommended by the nutritionist are inexpensive and can be found at local stores and supermarkets. Brian even asserts that following his wholesome diet will actually help users save money since every meal is set in exact quantities for individuals. The 2 Week Diet is suitable for all ages, genders, ethnicities, diets and body types.

Flatt is very vehement in insisting that all clients have to do is follow the 2 Week Program that involves only dieting. This means that there won’t be any workouts or exercises to complement it. However, Brian claims that while exercise is not a requirement to losing weight with his 2 Week system, a little work out doesn’t hurt anyone. In fact, he even recommends a few light and non strenuous activities that help accelerate the process. Brian also promises that his clients will not have to stomach any nasty teas, thick protein shakes, kale detox juices or anything like that. A definite bonus.

Related: The 3 ‘Fat Loss Foods’ Sabotaging Your Results



  • The program is easy to learn and understand. Following the instructions can be done by anyone easily.
  • It gives you a step by step plan to follow. So you don’t have to waste your own time researching and putting pieces together.
  • Includes special protocols to optimize the weight loss process and help you avoid negative consequences of fast weight loss.
  • The 2 Week Diet has a rising popularity rating which is a good indication of users positive feedback on the program.
  • Digital product: You can begin within minutes of making the decision to buy.
  • A 60-day Money-Back Guarantee covers you if you decide during that period that the program is not working for you.


  • The sales page contains hype like “fastest diet you’ll ever use” to market and promote the product. Though this does not heavily affect the legitimacy of the product, some people may see this as too much hype.
  • A digital program like this would be complemented well if it had videos included.


Related:4 Reasons Why Most Diets Fail


Does 2 Week Diet System Really Work?



According to most people who bought the 2 Week Diet, Brian’s system seems to go hand in hand with current weight loss studies, but does prove to be a bit more effective than most. While most people might be skeptical about how much weight they can lose in two weeks without starving, the results are speaking loud and clear.

To be fair, most of Brian’s clients do not really lose 6 pounds in two weeks, but a large percentage is hitting the 10 pound mark in the first month.

All in all, the verdict is that the 2 Week Diet is ideal for anyone looking to shed a few pounds for an upcoming event, improve their overall health and drastically change their long term eating habits by including Brian Flatt’s diet system.

Visit the Official Website for details on pricing, discounts and availability.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Would you like to lose fat, tone up your arms, abs and get that good body again that turns heads?

Would you like to lose fat, tone up your bum, arms, abs and get that good old bikini body again that turns heads? Would you like to to lose all that excess un-wanted body-fat, especially the stubborn fat that’s completely ruining your confidence and your dress selection? Or perhaps you just want to lose weight fast for a wedding, a school reunion or your next beach vacation? Well if so then stick around, because I’m about to show you how the super simple 3 Week Diet Plan can help you lose up to 22 lbs in only 21 days WITHOUT starving yourself with boring foods and WITHOUT spending endless of time working out.

But that’s exactly where the 3 Week Diet program steps in….

It was designed for us “normal” women that don’t have all the time in the world to cook healthy meals 8 times per day and workout for 3 hours every single day. Us girls who don’t have the money for a bunch of trainers, nutritional chefs and specialists.

The 3 Week Diet Plan was designed so that we can also get that perfectly sculpted butt and that glowing bikini body that gives us confidence to wear whatever dress we want to, whenever we want to.

It was designed to:
  • Supercharges fat loss results – It’s combines a mixture of the best kept weight loss strategies in order to make you lose weight every single day, that up until now have only been available for celebrities
  • Drop a few dress sizes – No need to go shop for “big” clothes again, you can feel confident with yourself again in any dress you like
  • No gym required (you can choose for yourself) – It’s designed to fit into all lifestyles, doesn’t matter if you’re a super busy stay at home mom or not, this will work for you
  • Meals plans suitable for meat eaters, vegans and vegetarians
  • Step-by-step guide for weight loss – You will know EXACTLY what to do and what to eat, you literally won’t be able to embarrass yourself by doing something wrong and no need to hire an expensive personal trainer or a nutritionist ever again
  • Reduces health risks associated with being overweight


How exactly does the 3 Week Diet program work?

That’s a fair question because losing up to 22 lbs of fat in 21 days is no joke. Especially since most fitness gurus only suggest 1-2 lbs per week.

Well, just think about it… How do these Instagram fitness models and gurus make money? Do you really think that they want you to lose so much weight fast?

Of course not… they want you to keep coming back for more fit teas, fat burners and programs.
They’d be out of business if they’d tell you their REAL secrets.

That’s exactly what the 3 Week Diet plan aims to reveal. It combines a mixture of the best weight loss strategies engineered together so that you can lose the weight fast and keep it off for good!

What is included?


1.  Introduction Manual

In my opinion this single ebook is worth the whole price alone. The information and the tips to stay motivated are priceless.

After reading this I was so fired up to get my dream body that nothing could stop me!

You’ll understand how the fitness industry and all the fit gurus have been ripping people off and why aiming for only 1 lb weight loss per week is B.S.


2. Diet Manual

Eating the right kind of foods at the right time without it being boring foods, is the single most important factor for weight loss.

I was surprised when I saw just how much information was included. Literally no one else would give this kind of information away.

Once you’ve learned what is inside here, there’s no other way than fast weight loss for you. And you’ll never gain the weight back ever again.


3. Workout Manual

The workout guide is engineered to work with the Diet Guide so that you’ll get 2x the results in half the time.
Probably the best part about it in my opinion is how flexible it is. It doesn’t matter if you have a gym membership it or not. It will work perfectly in both situations.

You’ll understand how to structure your workouts in the most efficient manner. That way you can spend the least amount of time working out while achieving maximum results.


4. Mindset Manual

What’s the point of losing all the weight, getting that dream body and finally being able to fit in your old jeans again, if you just end up putting all the weight back on?

The Maintenance Guide is exactly what sets the 3 Week Diet Plan apart all the other weight loss programs out there. It’s the only diet guide out there that not only shows you HOW to lose weight, but also how to keep you motivated so that you can keep it off for good!

This Mindset Manual alone makes this program superior to everything I’ve come across before.


What if I don’t see the results?

Unlike most programs out there who only want your money and don’t actually care about your results and experience. The 3 Week Diet Program offers a industry leading 60 day money back guarantee!!
That means that they’re so confident in their product that if you don’t lose the weight they’ll refund you your money. No questions asked!

Isn’t that awesome?

So you literally have nothing to lose, except that unwanted body fat of course.



So, who else wants to lose weight, tone their bum and gain more confidence without starving yourself with boring foods and without spending endless of time working out. Simply by following this super easy 3 Week Diet plan that literally thousands of women just like yourself have used to get in shape fast.

You deserve to feel great about yourself. Nobody should feel ashamed about their body.
So, just go for it. You won’t regret it.

Drop 12-23 pounds in only 21 days.

What is the 3 Week Diet?

First off, the 3 Week Diet plan claims to help you drop 12-23 pounds in only 21 days. This program is  suitable for women and men of all ages, and it was created by Brian Flatt, a personal trainer, and nutritionist. According to Flatt, this is the fastest diet on the market today.  A specific eating plan and some exercise are required. However, all of the foods involved are readily available in local grocery stores.

We are uncertain when The 3 Week Diet first emerged. This weight-loss program is backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee, and there are some customer testimonials presented on the official website, but read on.

How We Get Fat?

Flatt clings to the decades disproven calorie-in/calorie-out theory of weight loss. He even goes so far to say that carbs have no impact on weight gain. He does get it right by saying that we don’t get fat by eating fats. In the past decade, it has become standard in the medical and nutritional field to not mention calories, simply because they don’t exist in the body. Carbohydrates and sugars do, and have over 10,000 studies to prove excess sugars, especially from processed foods, directly influence obesity, hormonal disruption, diabetes, ADHD/hyperactivity, and mental function.

He then goes on to talk about how we need to burn more calories, but never talks about the process of how that is done, just that we need to follow his system. Again, you can’t talk about how to burn calories because calories don’t exist.

Later in the book, he confuses the matter more by free exchanging calorie for sugar. He also has no understanding of the sugar-insulin cycles and the relationship of hormones for hunger, obesity, or energy.

Nutritionally, he tries to narrow what we need into less than 30 vitamins and minerals. Currently, we stand at over 100,000 nutrients that the body uses for health. In a healthy person, we can produce non-essential fats, protein, and phytonutrients from what we eat. But, if there is disease in a person, this ability is greatly reduced and over 80,000 nutrients are suddenly essential for health.

Many other supplements are required. The whey protein, omega-oils, and many other vitamins are required for this diet. In Flatt’s opinion, if you aren't willing to do it all, and use his preferred brands, you will fail.

3-Week Diet Meal Plan

This is the low-carb diet meets low-fat diet. In order to follow the low-calorie diet restrictions, fats are reduced. Since you reduce your carbs and your fat, your pickings are slim for food. It’s one of the main reasons why the whey protein makes such a starring role: it’s just about the only thing you can eat in quantity.
If this diet went on any longer, I would be scared for nutritional deficiencies. Out of the over 5,000 types of fruits and vegetables available, the 3-Week Diet, Week 1 limits you to 17. He limits drinks to water. This is a good thing, since most people don’t drink enough water to meet normal needs.

The recommended first meal is lunch, with the last meal being just before bed. This flies in the face of all the studies on eating habits. We require breakfast to lose weight. Skipping it slows our metabolism.

The rest of the plan is a complex mix of calculating out different calories, supplements, and fasting habits. This isn't for the faint of heart.At the start of the second week, you fast for 24 hours. Supposedly, this is for a detox purpose, but it’s not long enough to actually start the body into any other metabolic pathway other than carbohydrate metabolism. In the end, you are just going to be hungry.

Then, comes the really hard part. This diet wants you to get 80% of your calories from fat, and still keep under about 1200 calories. This means nearly 900 calories come from a source that does not fill you up. Only about 300 calories will come from any food source.To put that in perspective, a dinner of 3oz of steak, 1 cup of broccoli, and a medium baked potato is 300 calories. That would be your total daily allotment in 1 small dinner. Additional recommendations call for using nuts (50-70 calories per oz), avocado (50 calories per cup), and cream cheese  as additions. As you can see, it would difficult to include them in the 300 calorie allotment.

The diet wants you to have 3-4 meals. I don’t know how it’s possible, unless you are eating nothing but bitter vegetables smothered in butter.

The 3 Week Diet: Pro’s

  • Complete system: First, as the name misleadingly suggests, it’s not just a diet. The actual program covers all aspects of healthy weight loss and provides 4 separate manuals, each covering one key component (Introduction Manual, Diet, Workouts and Mindset & Motivation). This is great to see as sustainable weight loss is as much about building healthy habits, getting active and being happy as it is about eating the right foods.
  • Backed by Science:  There’s mounting evidence to suggest that the fat we consume in our diet isn’t the reason we put on weight. Instead, it’s the influx of unhealthy carbohydrates and sugars, which spike insulin and blood sugar levels, that leads to stubborn and unwanted weight gain. The 3 Week Diet combats this with a system based on consuming quality proteins, healthy fats consuming and reducing ‘simple’ carbohydrates. Together with calorie-controlled portions and intermittent fasting – both of which are time-tested and highly effective for weight loss – this creates a powerful fat burning environment and one which can prevent/reverse hormone imbalances and metabolic diseases, like diabetes.

The 3 Week Diet: Considerations

  • The name: It’s not a crazy as it sounds. The 3 Week Diet, while a marketable term, lends itself well to over-hyped headlines and quick-fixes too often seen in the weight loss marketplace, which is a shame. While the 3 week diet is based on its efficacy over 3 weeks, it has the capacity to be marketed and applied as more of a long term weight loss solution built on healthy eating and exercise habits.
  • Up-sells: They’re not really a bad thing. In fact, they can often be useful additions to help you reach your goals even faster. Last I checked, the program did have 1 or 2 and while you can easily skip them, they are something to be aware of during your purchase. Your goals, experience, level of support and other individual factors will ultimately determine whether or not they’re right for you.
  • Supplements: As part of the program, a few supplements are recommended to assist with weight loss. These include whey protein, along with some essential amino-acids. These can be picked up easily in-store or online, but are additional expenses you may need to factor in nonetheless. It’s important to note that you can still make great progress on the program without them, however their recommendation of a quality protein powder supplement is one I fully endorse, especially when you don’t always have the time to eat/prepare healthy meals.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Who Can Benefit from The 3 Week Diet Program?

What Is 3 Week Diet Program?

The 3 Week Diet is a distinct diet system to make the body store the fat already existing for energy requirements. Once this happens, the body enters starvation mode and will begin burning stored fat to fuel your heart, liver and other essential organs. It’s not a “do by the book” kind of diet, and it’s a time-saver. It’s a 4-part diet guide to help users better understand the science behind the system:
  1. Introduction Manual – Aside from diet introduction, you’ll also learn the exact steps needed to burn body fat for good.
  2. Diet Manual – One of the most essential manuals in the program as it talks about the 4 phases of 3 week diet. It also teaches you how to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), the amount of calories you need to create a fat burning environment, what to eat and when to eat.

Who Can Benefit from The 3 Week Diet Program?

Both men and women who wish to lose weight and are in need of appetite control can use the 3 Week Diet plan as it is proven to be safe and effective.


Who Should Avoid It?

Vegans, vegetarians having difficulty with the detox phase and individuals on medically controlled diets (including diabetics) are not recommended to try the 3 Week Diet.


Who Is Brian Flatt?

The creator of the 3 Week Diet plan Brian Flatt is a celebrated sports nutritionist and health coach who has been in the fitness industry since the 90’s. He earned his Biology degree from San Diego State University and owns Rev Fitness that’s based in Southern California.


Pros and Cons of 3 Week Diet

Just like most diet plans, the 3 Week Diet isn’t perfect – it has its strong and weak points. Let’s take a look at each of them:
  • Great for busy people as you only need to do the program 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes a day).
  • Scientifically-proven methods.
  • Rapid results.
  • Easy to read, follow and comprehensive.
  • Personalized Plans – It caters to your own body (your goals, starting weight and lean body mass) in order to create a plan that’s tailored for you.
  • Gives Moral Support – Dieting can be hard to start and maintain but the motivation manual included is an eye-opener that will inspire you 100%!
  • Money-back Guarantee – If it won’t work for you, you can get your refund within 60 days.

  • Supplementation is necessary (a disadvantage for people on a budget).
  • Available in digital form only (PDF format) which can be inconvenient for some people.



Final Thoughts

The 3 Week Diet plan is a system that does as it claims. It’s not a scam and it will give you the results you want (as long as you are committed). It’s great for people with busy lifestyles who want to lose weight fast and it will definitely widen your knowledge on exercise and nutrition.

The 3 week diet is basically a combination of different diets

The 3 Week Diet is a new diet promising quick weight loss.  It's creator, Brian Flatt, claims that you can lose between 12 and 23 pounds of fat in just 21 days.  It seems a lot, so do his claims stand up? Does the 3 week diet really work?

The 3 week diet is basically a combination of different diets which are chained together into different phases. The diet starts with a detox phase, then an optional fasting phase followed by two different low carb phases.

As you might imagine with a diet promising such quick weight loss, the diet does seem quite extreme and to carry out each phase to the maximum is not easy.  As Karen found, it can make you feel pretty drained to start with.  But as it's only for 3 weeks and the final phase is the least daunting, it is achievable.  It is possible to do the diet in a slightly less extreme form, simply knowing that you're not maximizing your weight loss.

Does it work?

As Karen found, yes it does work, although if you want to lose the 23lbs in 21 days that the sales video says is possible, then you'll have to work a bit harder and cheat less than Karen did!
Theoretically, of course, it should work. Most of the diet phases specify low carb eating and there is a wealth of research showing that low carb is effective for weight loss.

The diet's creator, Brian Flatt, quotes many scientific studies supporting his rationale for each phase of the diet and he explains how he tested out the diet on himself first. My personal opinion is that it looks like he's put the diet together using a process of trial and error and then tried to find some supporting science to bulk out the manual. This would be the reason that the science and the diet don't always match up. But regardless, the results speak for themselves.

Who is the 3 Week Diet best for?

  • The program is suitable for anyone who wants quick weight loss.
  • People who have the willpower to get them through the hunger pangs.

Who should avoid it?

  • Anyone already on a medically supervised diet (including diabetics)
  • Vegans
  • Vegetarians would have trouble with the detox phase unless they are very fond of eggs.

What's included in the program?

The 3 week diet system is comprised of 4 manuals, these are:
  • The Introduction Manual – This explains why we get fat and the science behind this particular diet's effectiveness. It discusses what to do (and not to do) while following the diet and also covers, in depth, the recommended supplements and what they do to help quicker weight loss.
  • The Diet Plan Manual – This gives step by step instructions for calculating your BMR and how it relates to what you need to eat in order to lose weight.  It explains what to eat, and when to eat it.
  • The Workout manual – This gives detailed instructions on how to perform the Full Body Fat Blasting Workout.  It includes diagrams and full instructions.
  • Mindset and Motivation Manual.  Some ideas to try and help keep you on track with the diet.  Hopefully seeing the weight loss and feeling the changes will be motivating enough.

Losing weight can be a very tedious and absorbing venture.

Losing weight can be a very tedious and absorbing venture. For all those who want to lose some pounds, shedding them cannot come soon enough. It is usual for anyone in a diet program to hope that visible changes to their weight appear as soon as possible. The results could be determined by the quality of the exercise plan and the kind of diet regime that are used in combination. Various reasons could necessitate the loss of weight in a short time.

It could be for health reasons, career pressures or a special event like your wedding or graduation ceremony. The current diet regime that one may be using may not be effective enough to meet the goals and the timelines that are desired. That is why you need to try out the 3 week diet system. It would be joyous if after just under a month, you are able to get rid of some troublesome pounds.

The 3 Week Diet System

The 3 week diet plan is an inventive, scientific and proven diet regime and diet plan that allows one to shed weight in just 21 days. It is a diet plan that does not entail extreme workouts and dietary behaviour given the short time that it takes. It is a solution to those risky, unhealthy and ineffective diet plans that people sometimes engage in for quick results. This diet program is a three-pronged approach to losing weight that focuses on the exercises, the weight loss diets and motivation.

It is a weight loss program that averages a weight loss of between 12-20 pounds in just under one month. It is estimated that in just the first week, a dieter loses 10 pounds if they strictly follow the instructions. The main purpose of this diet program is to produce a sharp, healthy, visible loss of weight in a person that will keep them motivated and continue to press on with their weight loss program without giving up.

The 3 Week Diet Plan Components

The program is divided into 3 major parts:
  • The actual Diet
  • Exercise Plan
  • Willpower, Motivation and Mindset

Let’s have a closer look at the different components:


Related: Losing weight can be a very tedious and absorbing venture.


1.The Diet Plan

This is the main part of the program and is separated into the following 4 phases with very different elements:

Phase #1 (Day 1 – 7)

This beginning stage works like magic as you’ll begin to see a lot of pounds – around 5 to 10 pounds or even more – fall off within these 7 day period. Following this plan guarantees, that you’re going to lose weight. This phase will cleanse your entire system, most especially the liver which could most likely be having some issues.

This plan offers a detailed explanation of the sort of food you are permitted to eat. These are vegetables and different proteins, such as eggs, meat and fish. Brian also included a detailed explanation on how to best prepare the food plus the plan further carefully analysis a timetable for your diet within these 7days period.

Phase #2 (day 8)

This stage is just a 24 hour fast. The last meal you had in stage one should have most likely being in the evening, which would consist of greens and protein from permitted sources. You will now go on a 24 hour fast, from diner to diner. This is to enable your body to complete the detox, taking off a great part of the fat-burning byproducts from the quick weight loss in stage 1. You are likely to have your next meal the evening of day 8. For this meal, you are free to have whatever you wish, but carbohydrates should be very minimal in the meal. If you can’t stand a 24-hour fasting, then you can copy what you did on day 7 in the previous stage.

Phase #3 (day 9 – 11)

This is referred to as the Fat Phase. Within these days, you will go with recommended calorie assigned, while aiming to have at least 80% of the calories from fat. This low calorie, high fat plan has been confirmed to help shed a lot of fat within a short period.

This doesn’t sound easy though, but don’t fret, you have a comprehensive list of allowed fat sources, how these foods are prepared and the amount of calories you should consume – for men and women – with a sample eating plan included.

Phase #4 (Day 12 – 21)

You will gradually begin to eat normally towards the final stage of this plan compared to your previous 14 days on this plan. Here you are confined to a customized calorie scheme to tally with your unique BMR and the force behind your weight loss goals.

You’ll figure out how to know your BMR, which is simple. Brian gave calculations in U.S. estimations and metric structure. Men and women also have separate calculations. When you have got your BMR, you will figure out how to structure a low-calorie diet plan which will be based on your BMR.


2.The Exercises

Although, just the dietary part of this book will make you burn off so much fat in a relatively short period, exercise programs which can give you double the result you got from the diet plan have been added. Most diet programs fail because they are not adequately complimented with the amount of exercise necessary to make it effective. In exercises, fat loss is as a result of the intensity of the scheme and not the duration. With Brian’s plan, the body workouts are just for about 20 to 30 minutes a day and for 3 days a week only.

The exercises in the book combine resistance training and cardio exercises that stirs up your metabolism and causes your body burn off more fat.
The 3 week diet workout plan does contain 4 basic exercises which are:
  • Goblet Squat
  • Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
  • Bent-Over Row
  • Dumbbell Upright Row

To do this, all you’ll need is at least two dumbbells and a bench (optional). You don’t really need to hit the gym, as you can effectively do this at home. Everything – how to go about the exercises, the amount of reps and sets you’ll do – are detailed in the book. You will also find some extra exercises on how to work out your abdominal muscles.

Personal tip: Don’t skip these exercises. The same workouts have helped me to lose the extra weight, which I wasn’t able to lose with just the diet. The workouts do get more important when you age. I have passed the age of 40 as I started with my weight loss journey. Those workouts gave me that extra kick needed to be able to shedding off more body fat.


3.Willpower, Motivation, and Mindset

This section is truly an eye-opener because it disposes a number of reoccurring and common myths about will power that hinders the success of many persons. Not only that this section is captivating, but it is also a vital component of this diet program. The section will enable you scale through those willpower challenges facing you while offering you a lot of easy alternatives which assures you of a successful diet.

Weight loss success like every other success is born of a right mindset. If you can maintain that mindset, then your goal of losing weight becomes successful and less stressful like you never thought it could be.


One of the advantages of the 3 week diet is that it helps in speeding up metabolism. Overweight persons usually have a slow metabolism process. When one implements this program, they will discover that fat burns quickly and that metabolism becomes faster. The other benefit of the program is that it lessens cellulite. Cellulite is not just from the sun but from what we eat and how we treat our bodies. This weight loss program comes with a workout plan mainly for home use. It has training exercises and diet plans that will not impact negatively on your skin. Also it is timely and effective, losing a substantial amount of weight in 21 days is phenomenal.


One of the few disadvantages of the 3 week diet plan is that, it encourages the additional support of diet supplements to achieve the rapid and effective burning of fat. The supplements may have a negative effect on different body types causing allergies or unforeseen health complications. Also on the motivation, some may be discouraged if they do not lose maximum weight in three weeks as the program promises because weight loss will vary from person to person so that might take the steam out of some people and demotivate them because of high expectations.


Our bodies are different and one should not expect the same changes to occur to everyone in the 21-day period. But you will lose pounds, it is bound to happen, the only difference will be the amount of pounds that each individual will lose. Also if the dieter follows instructions to the letter, if they seriously follow the manuals they will witness fast and visible weight loss. All in all, there is no other weight loss program that offers healthy, quick and effective weight loss than the 3 week diet program.